Avishi Singh

Drama Action


Avishi Singh

Drama Action

From Gang To Craft Store

From Gang To Craft Store

4 mins

Daniel had been part of a gang for so long. His father was part of the gang and had made sure that Daniel upheld his legacy as the gang’s right-hand man. His old man used to say that, “people like us, we have no chance at a normal life.” And Daniel believed him. He had seen enough “normal” people’s lives be wrecked by the Serpents. Yet, he didn’t want this life. This life where their free time was dominated by women, drugs, and alcohol. This life where they shoot first, look later. This life where you had to keep looking over your shoulder. No, instead Daniel wanted safety, a family, a house, maybe a dog. But gangsters don’t get that. 

A sharp call snapped Daniel out of his quiet contemplation.

“Hey, Danny! We got to go! This man up on Pier 6 been bothering Boss and his men. We got to get rid of him.”

“Well, let’s go kick some ass then.” Daniel and Royce went around grabbing the few sober men around. 

“Yo Dan! Drinks after this?”

“Dan doesn’t touch drunk man!”

“Yeah! Still, haven’t figured out how! Seriously man what the f--”

“Okay shut up idiots. I’ll go out with y ’all and make sure you don’t get arrested. Cool?”

“Whatever man. We’ll turn you someday!”

I hope that day never comes, thought Daniel.

The job went well. The man was killed. No one had a better reason than “he messed with Boss”. Another piece of Daniel died. He decided that this was going to be his last kill come hell or high water. He would talk to Boss. He might just let Daniel go due to their history. It was worth a try.

“Hey Boss, can we talk in private?”

“Sure, Danny boy!” Boss led Daniel into a back office. “So, what’s up?”

“I’m just going to come out and say it.” Daniel wrung his hands nervously. “I want to leave!”

Boss sat upright and looked at him closely. Just as he opened his mouth, Daniel spoke up again, “I know it’s a lot to ask and that it goes against the inclusion statement. We are here for life, but I didn’t pick this. My dad made me stay. He forced me to join before I even knew what was happening. You can’t hold me to that!” Boss’s eyebrows raised, and Daniel lowered his voice. “Sorry Boss, but you can’t-- shouldn’t.”

“Okay, alright

, I will consider it because of your perfect record and since you have stayed off the police records, you have a higher chance. Everyone won’t be particularly happy though. Your father was an amazing right hand, but you have been even better. It’s only because of your really good history and our past that I am not calling Kris to kill you right now. Leave now.”

“Thank your Boss!” Gratitude shone in Daniel’s eyes. 

The Boss watched him leave with a soft look. He was a good kid. Boss had told his father to let him have a crime-free life, but his father was way too devoted to the Serpents. He would let Daniel go. The kid wasn’t the backstabbing type and since he didn’t have a record he could get a pretty good job. 

The next day, Daniel rose from his bunk in the barracks to a parcel at the end of his bed. Inside it was some papers. The first was a note, “Leave Danny, boy. Keep the secrets and no one in the gang will bother you. I have given you an apartment paid for a few months in advance. You’re a good kid. You know me, and your daddy was tight. I asked him to keep you out of this life, but he refused. Make me proud kid and stay loyal. Call if you need anything. Boss.”

The other papers were legal documents and stuff. Some cash was tucked into the package too. Daniel was happy as could be. 

The first thing Daniel did was look for a job. He spotted a “help wanted” sign on a nearby craft store window. He ducked inside. An old woman sat behind the counter. She looked at Daniel and smiled. Daniel felt a warm feeling rush through him. The shop was cozy and dim-lit. Small lamps and tables dotted the place. A small food and coffee bar stood against a wall. All kinds of craft books and materials lined the shelves. He was about to stride up to the desk when he noticed a small box of cut-outs. Daniel picked it up and made his way to the counter. He poured out the contents and smiled at the family, house, and rings that spilled onto the wooden desk. Hearing footsteps he turned and saw a beautiful young woman walk up and kiss the old owner on the cheek. 

“Hey, you got a job here?”

“Don’t know the kid. You got manners?” 

Everyone smiled. 

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