First Love
First Love

It was the month of February when I first saw him. People say February is the month of love and it turned true for me. It was not his looks that I fell for neither I felt anything but it was something...
I was in the market I specifically remember the shop I saw him once I came back home a glimpse of everything flashed again in front of my eyes deep in my heart I wanted something...I wanted to with him but I always knew my father's nature so I decided not to ever think about him.
A thought then came to my mind that what if he is married or committed..I literally started laughing on my silly love for him...for a stranger...
I came back to Delhi and got busy in my wor
k but again and again, I started missing the person whom I never met in person. Days passed and I anyhow controlled my feelings.
You won't believe but a miracle happened; my father came to meet us and I got a piece of paper in his diary where a boy's details were written I usually never get so indulge in this stuff but I stole that paper and I was really surprised when I found him on a social site app....That person was the one I saw a year back near the shop, I was really awestruck I started refreshing the page, again and again, to see if I was not dreaming but it was the reality...
That person is my husband now and my first at first sight and this is actually true love