Eternal Embrace
Eternal Embrace

Eternal embrace
(Valentines' special )
Some say, we fall in love, some say we rise..
But those who only love passionately, are the ones who are wise!!
Between the ceaseless expanse of the Indian Ocean and a series of intertwining hills nestled a city called Varkala.
Away from her home, Smita was serving in a college as a lecturer with a decent pay and the fabrics of some torn dreams in a small yet cozy government quarter she was alloted with in that city.
One day, her father who was an ex-army personnel rang her up and said that since childhood, he has always taught her to be bold and confident. Now that she is independent, open-minded and a smart thinker, she needs to take up the flight of her dreams into new altitudes to explore the uniquely crafted world outside. For that she needs to be settled in her life and also has to be accompanied by a strong and intelligent partner.
A guy working for the prestigious Indian Navy wants to meet her in a coffee shop next Sunday. His name is Rehaan Arora and he is the son of his close friend Mr Ramesh Arora. She can meet him if she wishes to.
First of all Smita was not really ready for her father's abrupt marriage proposal and she wanted Rehaan or whoever it is to move ahead without investing any hope in her !! But careful of her father's dreams to remain unshattered she found a midway. She agreed to meet the guy next Sunday.
Finally on a warmer spring afternoon she met a seasoned officer blessed with good height, dashing looks and strong physique. Inside his broad chest his heart's palpitation increased with each passing glance of the Smita.
Even the blazing sun was diminishing its fierceness. It blended a soft crimson and yellowish shade to the horizon as it was fast melting down into the ocean.
She started with a brief self- introduction and she promised not to hide anything to the young candidate who expected her to be his wife. The primary reason being, she believed no lasting structure can be built upon the frail foundation of lies and deception.
So she goes ahead to tell her side of the story which lay untold like a sealed fossil which might bleed with a little stroke of the present. The matter was sensitive, the matter was emotional. She detailed her past encounter with a guy whom she loved has eventually parted away. It broke her into pieces.
She told that being an avid reader once she met an author on-line and instantly she fell in love. The way he analysed the complexities of life through with all its hues and shades was note worthy.
Even she had this opportunity to have a one -on- one chat with him and found a queer symmetry between each other which was sublime. They we're committed to each other to remain friends forever. He paved a way to learn the dynamics of a smooth and easy going life. She started dancing to the musing of the sky and singing to the rhythm of the waves. Her unsorted life seemed to have a vision and direction. She requested to meet him physically.
On knowing this, he abruptly cut-off all contacts with her without giving any prior warning or explanation for his doing so. He not only distanced himself but also has stolen all her maiden dreams, her nascent emotions her rapturous moments and her sound sleep. She was left distressed surrounded with dark clouds with endless questions which forever remained unanswered. She waited and waited every passing moment like a million years. But she knew he won't respond back. This incident left her handicapped without any of her family members being aware of it. She had to console herself during uncontrolled breakdowns. Whatever had to happen happened but she managed somehow to moved on!!
Now 14 th February meant no more than just a calendar date for her. She failed miserably in the game of love. But the question is, will she be able to love anyone else again? The answer was an obvious 'NO'. She finally stopped speaking.
Drops of tears rolled down her cheeks as she finished her story.
Rehaan took a deep breath and offered a hug with his chiselled arms wide open. A hug which was much needed at that moment, a deep, profound and priceless one.
Rehaan seemed to be proud inside that he interacted with so many girls but no one spoke in a bold and unfiltered way as she did. Her eyes reflected her clean heart.
He exclaimed,
" Dear Smita, you have encountered an enigma. May be you needed a third person to explain it. Before I came into your life you never trusted anyone else because of the past incident left you shocked.
Amongst all the hurdles and challenges of life God sends people who are so charismatic and genuine. They are the messengers of God. These divine souls appear from nowhere and all of a sudden they disappear into nostalgia. When they leave we wake up from a deep slumber. But the traces of life philosophy they teach are etched into our hearts for ever. That's how we grow, we evolve.
Look at the silhouette of the camel on the sand against the setting sun Smita. Doesn't it look sublime ? When we are all set to embark on a new journey, let us remember that faith and consistency are the two qualities a camel possess which takes it through any desert.
Steering out of the turbulent waves Rehaan stood as an undaunted sailor who promised to rescue her from the tempestuous past. He lent a hand to help her overcome all her agony.
In no time she flashed a smile on her rosy face and Rehaan felt helplessly attracted to the dimple that she worn.
She promised to reveal that dimple on her left cheek which was missing since the past couple of years. He proposed her with all his emotions.
Who can say 'no' to such a kind, gentle and considerate young man? This heavenly relations was consolidated on 16th of February. Both have found their newly sprung love in each other's hearts. Since that day, every year 16th Feb was the new Valentine's day for these wonderful couple instead of 14th.
Coincidentally a couple of years later Eternal embrace
' special )
Some say, we fall in love, some say we rise..
But those who only love passionately, are the ones who are wise!!
Between the ceaseless expanse of the Indian Ocean and a series of intertwining hills nestled a city called Varkala.
Away from her home, Smita was serving in a college as a lecturer with a decent pay and the fabrics of some torn dreams in a small yet cozy government quarter she was alloted with.
One day, her father who was an ex-army personnel rang her up and said that since childhood, he has always taught her to be bold and confident. Now that she is independent, open-minded and a smart thinker, she needs to take up the flight of her dreams into new altitudes to explore the uniquely crafted world outside. For that she needs to be settled in her life and also has to be accompanied by a strong partner. A guy working for the prestigious Indian Navy wants to meet her in a coffee shop next Sunday. His name is Rehaan Arora and he is the son of his close friend Mr Ramesh Arora.
First of all Smita was not really ready for her father's abrupt marriage proposal and she wanted Rehaan or whoever it is to move ahead without investing any hope in her !! But careful of her father's dreams to remain unshattered she found a midway. She agreed to meet the guy next Sunday.
Finally on a warmer spring afternoon she met a seasoned army man blessed with good height, dashing looks and strong physique. Inside his broad chest his heart's palpitation increased with each passing glance of the Smita.The blazing sun was diminishing its fierceness. It blended a soft crimson and yellowish shade to the horizon as it was fast melting down into the ocean.
She started with a brief self- introduction and she promised not to hide anything to the young candidate who expected her to be his wife. The primary reason being, she believed no lasting structure can be built upon the frail foundation of lies and deception.
So she goes ahead to tell her side of the story which lay untold like a sealed fossil which may bleed with every stroke of the present. It was sensitive, it was emotional. She detailed her past encounter with a guy whom she loved has departed eventually broke her into pieces.
She told that being an avid reader once she met an author on-line and instantly she fell in love. The way he analysed the complexities of life through with all its hues and shades was note worthy.
Even she had this opportunity to have a one -on- one chat with him and found a queer between each other which was sublime. They we're committed to each other to remain friends forever. He paved a way to learn the dynamics of a smooth and easy going life. She started dancing to the musing of the sky and sing to the rhythm of the waves. Her unsorted life seemed to have a vision and direction.She requested to meet him physically.
On knowing this, he abruptly cut-off all contacts with her without giving any prior warning or explanation for his doing so. He not only distanced himself but also has stolen all her maiden dreams, her virgin emotions her rapturous moments and her sound sleep. She was left distressed surrounded with dark clouds with endless questions which forever remained unanswered. She waited and waited every passing moment like a million years. But she knew he won't respond back. This incident left her handicapped within without any of her family members being aware. She had to console herself during uncontrolled breakdowns. Whatever happened she managed somehow to moved on!! Now 14 th February meant no more just a calendar date for her and nothing more than that. But the question is, will she be able to love again? Probably the answer was an obvious 'NO'. She finally stopped speaking.
Drops of tears rolled down her cheeks as she finished her story.
Rehaan took a deep breath and offered a hug with his chiselled arms wide open. A hug which was much needed at that moment, a deep, profound and priceless one.
Rehaan seemed to be proud inside that he interacted with so many girls but no one spoke in a bold and unfiltered way as she did. Her eyes reflected her clean heart.
He exclaimed
" Dear Smita, you have encountered an enigma. May be you needed a third person to explain it. Before I came into your life you never trusted anyone else because of the past incident left you shocked.
Amongst all the hurdles and challenges of life God sends people who are so charismatic and genuine. They are the messengers of God. These divine souls appear from nowhere and all of a sudden they disappear into nostalgia. When they leave we wake up from a deep slumber. But the traces of life philosophy they teach are etched into our hearts for ever. That's how we grow, we evolve.
Look at the silhouette of the camel on the sand against the setting sun Smita. Doesn't it look sublime ? When we are all set to embark on a new journey, let us remember that faith and consistency are the two qualities a camel possess which takes it through any desert.
Steering out of the turbulent waves Rehaan stood as an undaunted sailor who promised to rescue her from the tempestuous past. He lent a hand to help her overcome all her agony.
In no time she flashed a smile on her rosy face and Rehaan felt helplessly attracted to the dimple that she worn.
She promised to reveal that dimple on her left cheek which was missing since the past couple of years. He proposed her with all his emotions.
Who can say 'no' to such a kind, gentle and considerate young man? This heavenly relations was consolidated on 16th of February. Both have found their newly sprung love in each other's hearts. Since that day, every year 16th Feb was the new Valentine's day for these wonderful couple instead of 14th.
Coincidentally a couple of years later they were blessed with a boy on the same date which called for double celebration. Both merged in unfathomed happiness and got busy with their thriving and fulfilling lives. were blessed with a boy on the same date which called for double celebration. Both merged in unfathomed happiness and got busy with their thriving and fulfilling lives.