Do-Little For The Farm!
Do-Little For The Farm!

“Dear Dr Do-little,” wrote old McDonald,
“Can you please help me? My farm is in a mess”
“The ducks go quack – quack simply all day,
And who goes bow-wow, you might as well guess”
“The cow shed is all full of moo-moo and moo-moo,
The cats purr and mew, the kittens no less!”
“I am about to go deaf on this noisy farm,
Can you please treat my animals with your charm?”
Dr Do-little visited an old McDonald’s farm.
He thought he would have meaningful conversations with the farm animals, understand what was wrong with them, and cure them with his medicines. So, he carried his doctor’s bag along.
What he found on old McDonald’s farm shocked him! The ducks were enclosed in a coop meant for hens and the cows were mooing in a dark damp shed. The cats were mewing despite the large bowls of milk in fron
t of them, and the dogs in the kennels would not lick the bones given to them!
Although old McDonald could only hear his animals make noise all day, Dr Do-little could hear them say unanimously, “We are getting bored!”
Dr Do-little at once realized that they were not really ill. He told old McDonald's to make a clean water hole for the ducks to paddle in. He advised that the cows should be let out to graze in open pastures. “Let your dogs guard the cattle. They too are getting bored licking bones all day!”
“And the dear cats and kittens, well, if you don’t have any mice on your field for them to chase, give them some balls of wool to play with!”
Old McDonald did as he was told. Soon, the farm animals stopped complaining of boredom. They stopped being noisy and had a nice time. And old McDonald had a peaceful life on his farm thereafter!