Aditya singh chouhan



Aditya singh chouhan


Dear Teachers

Dear Teachers

1 min

The word guru comes from the two Sanskrit words ‘gu’+’ru’. 

‘gu' means ignorance or darkness 


'ru' means the removal of darkness. 

Gurus are named so because they remove the darkness from our lives by teaching us the right things and showing us the right path. 

Worshipping the feet of the guru is the ultimate of all worships.

We are more into the digital world and we are forgetting the importance of teachers.

Stop blaming educati

on all time.

I believe if you find a guru in your life it means you find real education.

Today’s generation they are really smart and intelligent.

 but unfortunately, kids today got no manners.

Teenagers should understand-

A guru takes a hand, opens a mind, and touches a heart.

 "you walk with a guru, you walk in the light of existence, away from the darkness of ignorance, you leave behind all the problems of your life and move towards the peak experiences of life."

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