Dibakar Karmakar

Drama Others


Dibakar Karmakar

Drama Others

De-clutter Or ???

De-clutter Or ???

1 min

Dear diary,.   

    Lockdown day 9

Today I have decided to declutter a space in my home. I thought that as I cannot move out of the house why I should not use the time to declutter an area of my home that has been long due.

 I have cleaned out the junk drawer which was looking so bad like a Municipal dustbin before and also organised the garage and finally gone to those boxes in my study room.

And when I was doing these things I thought that I should enjoy everything that I have with myself and thought that I should take one project at a time and enjoy the process of streamlining my stuff, never know what long-forgotten Treasures I may Discover.

And that thing happened, which give me a Nostalgia feeling because I have discovered a pencil box which I was using it when I was in school.

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