

2 mins

I was sleeping.

I can hear voices coming from a distance. The voices seemed to be vague and distant.

I ask myself to concentrate but my brain doesn’t seem to help me.

Only darkness.

The darkness seemed to engulf me.

All I see is black, the color of the devil. It seemed to scare me. This nightmare never seemed to end. I felt that this darkness had ghosts lurking in the shadows, but there was never a light to cast a shadow.

I can feel someone touching me, tapping me, here and there.

I ask myself to move.

I ask myself to respond.

But I can’t.

Questions flooded through my mind.

Am I dead?

Am I dreaming?

Is it a nightmare?

What is that sound?


This sound was so irritating.

I hear some murmurs, but I can’t figure out what they mean.

I really don’t understand what is happening.

Why can’t I wake up at all?

I feel the taps again.

I am starting to hear the words more clearly.

“Oh, the poor girl is suffering” a voice said.

What am I suffering from?

Is is not a dream or nightmare?

I am starting to breathe heavily.

The absence of light seems to bother me even more now. My fear turned to

anger to irritation to determination. I was so determined to just open my eyes.

I try to open my eyes. I am struggling harder than ever.

I opened my eyes, slowly…..

I saw light, bright light.

A triumphant sense of victory took over me. I adjust to the light, slowly.

I open my eyes.

I see white walls, some tubes and wires. I am alive.

Some nurses came to me and gave me some small sips of water. I still can’t move. They asked me

“What is your name?”

“Who are you?”

Who am I? What am I? It pestered me more than ever. I forgot my own identity.

Not knowing, my own identity was the real darkness that awaited me after all this time.

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