Darker Days Turning Brighter
Darker Days Turning Brighter

Sometimes, oh no many a times when you are in your mid-twenties things fall apart. Alright, you are nodding – with a yes! Sometimes you are not landing up to your dream job, the sign of diminishing opportunities. The heart wrenching reality of life – sometimes after spending a decade, you see the real colours of your friends, the sign of restlessness. You believed they will be the one holding your hand when you are falling but you witness they are the ones digging the pits for you.
At times you gonna confuse your friendship with love and screw up the things. Somebody stood by you in the most difficult time and you thought it is love, the sign of helplessness. The cycle of thinking; overthinking I would say is initiated in no time. It creates a mess in head and life as well and you end up with tears- yet again! Funny indeed. But its okay – we all do that!
Few of the batch mates of your’s will be at peak of their career and you are still crying for lost friendships, screwed relationships, boring jobs and reminding yourself “I wish at some point of time things will go right” every night. Where I lack? Do I don’t deserve the best in life? I did work hard.. so why I am the one lagging behind? The frustration at its peak, right!
"When things go wrong
When you feel you are all alone,
When you want to smile but have tears rolling off
When you want to talk but have nobody to talk”
“When you thought it is the best phase but have nothing to look upon
When you thought of smoother life but twists and turns are all around,
When you want to hear the sound of your heart but it has become a stone
You feel heartless yet it is paining”
“When there is a lump in your throat but you feel empty inside
When the pace is slow but you want it to go – with a blink of an eye,
You must search for some self-love – some hope
Let me show you some of the positive aspects of these hardships. Once you understand how you need to take things, surely you gonna enjoy this mess, every time. These situations will make you optimistic to such an extent that you will start loving imperfections of life. You will become more acceptable and understanding, you will find happiness in someone else’s happiness – completely a stranger.
However, if you are not able to swallow these, you are going to ruin it all. What you need to do? Love yourself, cherish your identity and all the flaws that you have. Work on yourself and take yourself to a lev
el where nobody who hurt you in past, can think to approach you. Do it for yourself but ignite the sparks that travel too far.
Your only companion is ‘YOU’. This is the time when you will start loving your own company, you will start taking firm decisions and you become so strong that you can overlook all the problems and still wear a smile. A smile that confuses everybody, a smile that triggers people to think about the secrets of your happiness. Yeah, this is it! To all those who have gone through dark days or are going through it- you need to take it easy on you, smile, breathe and don’t overburden yourself.
Things are not working how you planned, it might be because life chose you to learn few lessons or maybe to make you more experienced. If it’s about friendships – yes it’s not a movie, you will not get life long friends. Surely friends will be filtered out. For few, your presence mattered while for few you were a source of entertainment and their sources of entertainment changed with lifestyle and status. Accept the fact and burrow it down.
The person who did not took a stand for you and left you in the middle of the journey in a mysterious frustrating situation, don’t you think its complete crap to keep looking for them. Re-visiting the memory lane is the lamest thing that one could do. It’s better to be called as strong rather than lame, makes sense? Yes indeed! It is not worthy to shed tears for them. What they did? How they could do that? Ohh are you still wondering when they have forgotten your presence long ago? Gear up, it is okay to be a bit broken but it is not okay if you are being broken by the same person, also if you are committing same mistakes time and again.
Inner peace is a feeling! You can attain it only if you free yourself from the knots of overthinking. Thinking, planning and executing things are important but overthinking usually, accompany us with dejection.
Take time to make decisions but once you have taken a decision – be rigid and never let the feeling of guilt cover you. It can turn you upside down at any phase of life. People who are no longer part of your life, should not be a part of your thoughts and future as well; just ensure that. If at some moment of life your heart is melting, just remember those dark days! Who took you to the darkest days of your life and changed you forever, for being real and good to them.
You are a beautiful soul and you deserve all the tranquillity – fly away to the limitless sky!