Francesca Villardi Treadmill Treats



Francesca Villardi Treadmill Treats


Count Your Blessings, Not Your

Count Your Blessings, Not Your

4 mins

Count your blessings, not your bitterness

Life should be an incredible journey. It is way too short, and it should be enjoyed to the fullest. 

You should not be sucking on the bitterness of life and then passing it on to others to taste. Bitterness makes you miss the good things in life. It makes you concentrate on the bad in your life and makes the good seem smaller and less gratifying. 

My favorite bible verse is Romans 8.28. All things will work together for our good and according to his purpose.

Yes, we will have bad times. Yes, there will be hard times, but you just have to have faith that it will all work out. You need to know that your purpose will fill your life and your heart with overwhelming joy.

Maybe right now you are going through the storm. It may be dark and scary. You are hurt, and it feels like it will never end, but this is when you must keep your faith. You must believe that the bitterness will turn into the sweet fruit God has in store for you. 

I look at every hardship in my life as a lesson. Even the bad things that happened in your life happened for a reason, for a lesson, to make you stronger and make your faith stronger.

Hardships let you know you're a survivor. It teaches you to pass on your wisdom to someone else who is going through a storm. It allows you to be a testimony for God's greatness.

There are great parts of your life, so why do you keep sucking on the bitterness of your life?

Yes, your marriage didn't work out. Your business failed, your friend hurt you, and yes, maybe you had so many hardships in life. But you chose to be bitter. You chose to only see the bad.

Do you not see that you have other great friends, a good job, your health, and so many wonderful blessings in your life? Yet you still hold on to and relive your past bitterness over and over in your head, totally blocking ou

t all the good you have.

You take your garbage and dump it on others every day. You complain, you moan, you cry, why me? Every day, you are a toxic waste dump.

How many times have I said it's a choice! You chose, choose to be happy, choose to be grateful, choose to leave your past in the past, and choose to believe it will be turning around.


I am not an expert on bible verses by any means, but some just speak to me. They just say it all on this subject. 

Your journey in life is not a difficult one unless you make it that way.

Don't lose heart and get weary, for in due time, we shall reap what we have sowed.

We are pressed on every side by trouble, but we are never forsaking. 

God is working it all out in your favor.

Look, we have all had problems. We all make stupid mistakes, hello?? Have you read my blog? I am the Queen of stupid mistakes! But it's your mess, so own it and then give it to God and let it go. 

Don't get embarrassed by your failures, tell others your story, and take your failures to help others. Let them know your hardships and troubles don't last.

Tell them that yes, there might be a horrible storm out there right now, and yes, you are barely holding on, but this too shall pass. Give them encouragement, tell them your story, and show them what faith looks like. Tell them about the rainbow that is coming when the storm is over.

Take your troubles and be a lighthouse for them to help them get to a safe port.

It is then when you will know that all you went through was not for nothing. It will be then, you will know your true purpose. 

So today, my friends blend those lemons with the sweet fruit God has given to you and taste how good faith is. Always remember to count your blessings, not your bitterness

"Be the change you want to see"

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