Francesca Villardi Treadmill Treats

Drama Inspirational Others


Francesca Villardi Treadmill Treats

Drama Inspirational Others

My Thoughts On What's Going On In The Country

My Thoughts On What's Going On In The Country

2 mins

My Thoughts On What's Going On In The Country 

So yesterday #45 took office and I decided that I can't allow the haters, the lies, or the nonsense to affect my mental health like it did the last time he was in office. 

I cannot fight with people who believe is he a good man, that he has our best interests at heart, or that he isn't trying to pull us back into the 1950s where the Blacks are on the back of the bus, the LGBTQ community is shoved back in the closets, and women have no rights. 

If you believe that, good for you, eventually all shit rises to the surface and the truth will be seen. But I cannot give my energy to fighting with people who will never change what they believe. 

I will give it to God and pray that good will overcome evil. That people will realize that we all bleed red and that no one is better than another person. 

Just like I had to let go of people who are only about themselves, for my peace of mind I must let this go too. What will be, will be, period. My getting upset will not change the outcome of anything. So whatever he says or does, I will shake my head and think what an asshole and move on, just like I do on my social media

feed when I see some people's posts. 

I refuse to get into pissing matches about why my opinion is better than yours. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has them. So go on, have yours, it's a free country, for now. I need to look over my mental health. I can't worry about yours or the fact that I may think you're deranged, believing in him. 

So today my friends, I am here to say that all I can do is keep it moving. I can post love not hate. I can do one act of kindness at a time and hope that it spreads faster than the hate on social media. Only I can be the change I want to see.

And you can do the same. We can stand together like Martin Luther King did and show the world what love means. 

“Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend”

“Love can help people understand each other and build bridges between groups.” 

“I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear”

“Hate can be paralyzing, so it's better to choose love instead.” 

“At the center of nonviolence stands the principle of love: Love is a key part of nonviolent protest.”

“Be the change you want to see”

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