Maanas Nayak

Drama Fantasy


Maanas Nayak

Drama Fantasy

Be Careful What You Wish For!!

Be Careful What You Wish For!!

13 mins

Once upon a time, there lived a guy named Damon. He’s not that much of a social monger. He used to stay secluded most of his life; in his own world. Now he’s trying to adjust and mix with the society. He’s the kind of guy who only has at most a couple of friends from time to time; relations which means the world to him and devotes himself completely to them. He goes to his usual hangout place. Once a girl named Daisy approaches him. Daisy is quite an affable person; always being used to having a bunch of friends. She thinks of herself as a bit of an orthodox, who values traditions; family before self is her motto; due to her family background of being from a small town, countryside. She was kind to him, he was handsome to her. They chatted a little and then met a few more times at the same place, exchanged numbers. Started talking, became friends. To him it seemed good to have some company after a while. To her initially, he sounded aloof. So she asked about it and then he told her about his journey with his ex named Joy. Showed her the letters he wrote to her after she was gone. She read them; it all seemed interesting to her. So, once she asked him to become her boyfriend. He refused because for him; he was a toxic/empty person; full of shit. He told her that he's bad news and to stay away from him. The more he pushed her away, the more she got attracted to him. Finally, she said that she'll be his friend forever. They made a pact. He jokingly said let's make an unbreakable vow (promise/swear). That if they ever break it then God may take his life. If things ever become permanent so they won't let it happen; let it be a “temporary” thing.

She liked his honesty and a bit of wild imagination; the way he made her furious, got to her nerves. They stayed friends for a while. And then he took her to his house because she gained his trust. When she came inside, it was all messed up kind of a ghost like a haunted house; with a large broken mirror and its pieces spread out. She thought no wonder he stays out. There's a lot of stuff, a lot of garbage and a lot has happened inside this place. Then she remembered her place; it was full neat and clean but it seemed empty without life like a clean slate; like nothing much ever happened and nothing memorable. She helped him clean the place while they communicated. They found a lot of garbage which was disposed of. Then they started collecting broken pieces of the mirror. They bled together while picking up the pieces, she bled for him. Many useful and memorable items they arranged at proper places. As they became best friends, they conversed while being completely transparent; crystal clear and without a filter. They healed together and became stronger than ever. He had a lot of “influence” on her and she made him feel comfortable in his own skin; they accomplished something good together. He said, “Not bad” while looking around everything.

Their relationship was becoming meaningful and growing with time. He became more than a friend to her. For him, she was his best friend. As they promised that will never complicate matters by taking their relationship to next level; so the things went like this for a while. During the process of cleaning the mess, they found a lot of things; he told her stories and importance about those things. Something’s he was attached to, he gave them to her for filling her “lifeless house”. To make it memorable, for it to mean something, he only gave her the things that he loved. She wanted to take their relationship to next level. He told her that he loves her as his best friend and that he was not in love with her but felt some kind of connection.

Damon - But let's call it more than best friends but less than girlfriend/boyfriend. Let me present it to you this way: I’ve got an eye, seeing the possibility of becoming a diamond in raw stones. I’m like a jeweler and you’ll be my diamond to this world. I’m like the burning furnace and you are my gold. Gold gets its grace in the heat of the burning furnace. Objectively, I love your nose and your long beautiful hair. I just love sniffing them like all the time.

Daisy - I’ll fucking kill you. I’ll fucking break your nose and bones with your gold, chop you down with your diamond and drink your blood.

Damon - You know something. I’ve heard that egg eating vegetarians are the biggest cheaters ever available. You wanna eat me up and you call yourself a vegetarian. Aww….. my baby. You love me that much.

Daisy – I fucking hate you.

Damon – Aww….. I know. I hate you too na.

He doesn’t want to commit, was too afraid still became her boyfriend and she knew what a big deal it was to him. She knew he had a lot of "issues" that's why she kept her patience. Many times she used to get frustrated and then he used to woo her every time whenever they got into a fight. Every time after the fight he took it as his responsibility to initiate; to settle things, to calm her down. He was a funny guy indeed with periods of his rage and numbness during which he was all practical and felt nothing; absolutely nothing which was all endured by her.

Daisy – What if there comes a time when we are not together?

Damon – Then think of all the time we spent as just a dream. I existed only in your head. I’m not real. I’m just part of your imagination. Then that way, I can always be with you. Whenever you need me, I’ll be with you. I promise you that.

Daisy – I’ll literally kill you, if you ever leave me.

Damon – I know you love me that much. Sometimes only hate in the words can define how much that person meant to you for real. That’s all I ever wanted. On that note I’ll definitely hurt you. I know you’ll reciprocate in the same manner. It’ll be fun. It can be an awful lot of adventure, Wendy.

Daisy – I’ll fucking kill you, if you ever do a quote from any of your fantasies that I’ve heard of. I’m not Wendy or Alice and you’re not Peter Pan or Mad Hatter; or any of your other stories which I’ve heard like a thousand times.

Damon – You know that’s impossible. We live in our dream world remember. All we have is what we build and what we take from the things we like. It’s not real remember, everything is a lie.

Daisy – I know it’s all in our minds but that doesn’t have to mean it’s not true; Or something like that.

Damon – Harry Potter!!!(While fist bumping)

Daisy – Harry Potter. He He He

They burst out laughing.

Now, most of the visuals were assembled and clean. Only the basement was left. She tried to open it and found it locked. She asked for the key; he was blushing a bit while being scared and told her that he lost the key. She threatened him with his life and told him to stop being a drama queen and open the door. He took her to the attic where he hid the key in the attic inside a locked box. It got dark by then as it was midnight. He gave her the torch, opened the door and told her that he can't go in that she has to go in alone. He felt ashamed, guilty; could not meet her eyes. She went in downstairs with the torch on. No electricity existed there. It was a big hall in the basement. It looked like some fire might have happened where the whole place got burnt down.

It looked like a lot of stuff was in the room while it happened. She got Goosebumps while realizing that he burnt the place down. And suddenly the battery of the torch got off. She freaked out and screamed. He ran down, stumbled and fell down the stairs. He said an accident happened he

re not long ago where in his words he died. A part of him was killed. He was tormented by it coz in his words he seemed guilty. While talking to her, he was calling out for Joy that she's his guardian angel; to become his shield; to protect him; that he remembers her. He was afraid of the dark since his childhood. Daisy got scared thinking what the hell he is talking about. Did Joy die here in a fire accident? Is he calling her now? Thinking, “You selfish bastard I’ll beat you to death. In this situation, you are summoning a ghost”.

Then suddenly she saw a girl in front of her. Then someone got touch of her hair. She screamed and ran and then fell down. She also got hurt. It was him. He said, “Hey don't worry she'll also protect you. Let's go up first than I'll tell you everything”.

Then he told her about his phobias that whenever he gets afraid he thinks about Joy, keeps talking to her and feels a bit of safe. Then she hugged him and asked why it is so scary down there. He told her that he was a bit depressed that he himself burned it. During the fire that accident happened where Joy died. And if Daisy wouldn’t have come to his life by now then maybe he would have burned the whole house down. She declared him a psycho but he was her psycho.

In the morning, she came down the basement that it was just a huge mirror; Unbroken, without a scratch. Suddenly he comes without a sound, startling her.

He – Once it belonged to Joy. Now it’s yours. I give it to you.

For the next couple of months, they renovated the basement. It was like more of her place now. She used to stay for a period of time and whenever they got into big fights she went to her place. Then he always came to her to start again with a clean slate to woo her again. Once she asked him for the reason for burning the basement. He said, “I wanted to kill someone may be myself; I was so mad I couldn't bear it. Don't worry baby; it won't be long; you're with me na; you'll know; as you're becoming a lot like me; We're like a mirror to each other but sometimes the mirror brakes then it gets bloody in cleaning the mess replacing the glass of the mirror; so that you can become whole again". She threatened his life as a reminder of if that day ever comes. By now, he became quite familiar with her life threatening curses as a compliment and turned it around on her according to his will and made the whole thing sound like a dirty talk that altogether change her mood.

A situation arises in which their contact was going to be cut-off; maybe for a long period of time, maybe forever. They decide to depart from each other. After months when she got back; He told her he felt for someone else while “they were on a break”; that he’s moving on. She thought he dumped her. She broke down. She broke many things that she had including her personal mirror. She grafted her long beautiful hair. With her bleeding hands, she burned her place down. Now she understood what he was talking about.

He came back again in her life when he realized that she’s his oxygen; he can’t breathe without her. She was furious at him for about a week but he was persistent. She was going to get married and get settled with someone else in some other place. But he knew that there is no place like home. So he helped her with the renovation and assembling of the place. He saw the broken pieces of the mirror. While collecting them they bled together and this time he bled for her. They assembled her mirror again by pasting all the pieces back to the frame. It wasn’t the same. It became something more significant like a piece of art: Colored bloody red throughout the frame. Now she asked about his mirror that they decorated together at his place.

He said “It’s gone. Don’t worry I’ll think of something for that but I got to leave now. You know na, I can’t stay. But you’ll find me here only, whenever you come back”.

Everything was normal again; still, she got married because he let her go. He promised her to meet again and of repeating this whole thing again. Dying again and living again. He then went to his home saw it for the last time. Burned it down and went for a walk.

Now he lives at her home. After a while, when combing her hair in front of the mirror she thought of him while looking at herself coz he always said to her,”We’re like a mirror to each other. We don’t judge. We just accept what we get in its full light, complete transparency, completely naked with nothing to hide and no lies.”

It suddenly clicked her when she asked him about his mirror; he said it was gone. Then she inquired about him and got the news when she burned her house down; he came to save her, searched for her; he saw her blood and hair; couldn’t leave without her. She wasn’t there

While burning his house down his last words were, “You can go now, Joy. I free you from everything. It’s my turn now. ”

When Daisy came back to her initial home, she went inside to the room where the big mirror was kept. She saw him.

Damon – How you doing? (In the tone Joey from Friends does it while checking her out)

Daisy – I’m fine. It’s been different. Nice. How are you?

Damon – Oh, you ought to know. Your wish came true. Still, I’m back, again.

Daisy – You’re not saying it happened because of me.

Damon – Of course not. (With a smile saying, of course, I’m). How come you’re not afraid of me?

Daisy – I stayed with you, remember and by the ways, humans are way scarier than ghosts. I see you got a new mirror.

Damon – It’s the old one and it’s yours. I just repaired it and made a gate for you, through it. You can think of it as a rabbit hole.

Daisy – I’m not gonna fall for your tricks this time. (After thinking for a while) Unless you convince me otherwise.

Damon – Oh, you’re getting good at this. Let me try this one. You are waiting for a train. A train that will take you far away; you know where you hope this train will take you, But you can’t know for sure. Yet it doesn’t matter. Now tell me why!

Daisy – No

Damon – Don’t you dare leave me half way here? Finish it. Now tell me why?

Daisy – No. I won’t.

Damon - Because we’ll be together

Daisy – Try another one. Just don’t give up.

Damon – I give up. It’s your choice. I can’t force you into this. You have a life; May be a good one. And just for the sake of curiosity; for having an adventure. I can’t do this to you. Just for the sake of selfishness. I know we are one. That’s why you should go. I can’t take you with me. You have a loving husband. And you love him too. Still, in the end. It’s all your decision coz you have a life and I don’t.

Daisy – Do you really mean it? Or is it just an illusion of giving me a choice. I and my husband are doing just fine.

Damon – You caught me. I’m so proud of you. You are a diamond now. You’ve dealt with me, now you can deal with anyone in the world now. I free you from myself. You’re free to go, Alice.

Daisy – I wish I can beat you to death right now. You piece of shit. I can’t even comprehend in words how much I hate you.

Damon – I know. So, what about your husband?

Daisy – He’ll get another wife.

Damon – Respect (While fist bumping her)

So, they did go through the mirror to another world and lived happily ever after. A forever.

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