Pratima Pai

Abstract Drama


Pratima Pai

Abstract Drama

Annu Mama

Annu Mama

3 mins

We meet so many people on an everyday basis. Some we like and some we don't. We have our own opinions about those people which are based on their behaviour with us. A person might be altogether different from what we think him or her to be. Not so long ago I had read a book Vyakti ani valli by P L Deshpande. In the book the author has portrayed in great detail the people he had met. His portrayal of the characters make you laugh, experience their pain and joy. It's like you have actually met them. What I feel though is if the book would have been written now, Annu Mama would definitely be one character of the book.

So let's meet Annu Mama. His real name is Amit but all the kids call him Annu Mama as he's their favourite uncle. He's the TDH (tall, dark and handsome) types and any girl would fall for him. Wherever he goes he only spreads happiness. He can make people laugh. Forget their sadness. In his company people actually roll on the floor with laughter. He can mimic anyone and is blessed with a very good sense of humour. Honestly if he decides to become a stand up comedian, he can give the famous Kapil Sharma, run for his money. But this is what he appears to others. Nothing in life is pure white or black. There are many shades of grey in between.

Now some of you might think his character is grey. No. I didn't mean that. It's just that appearances can be deceptive. The always happy Annu Mama who seems to spread happiness might actually be not so happy. Let me give you a sneak peek in to his past. Born in a conservative Hindu family where having a male child is very important. He was a child who was born after a lot of prayers. But the happiness lasted for sometime. He was the child who learnt to speak very late. So as is the norm, when your child has a problem, the whole world is worried about it. Then began a series of remedies so that the child could speak. And lo behold finally one day he could actually speak. But that happened comparatively very late. His school phase was not so good.

Actually he was forced to study subjects that he hated. Naturally he would not score well in the exams. His result day was scary for him as well as his sister's because if he would not score well then the parents would mercilessly beat him up. His sister's couldn't do anything to stop it. Unlike the parents of today, Annu Mama's parents never gave a thought to find out about his interests. He would always be beaten up for his low scores. This phase continued till he passed his class ten examinations. Once that was over and he stepped in to college, he excelled in his studies.

He chose the commerce stream and did really well in his studies. Eventually he went abroad to work in logistics and did well. Now the parents proudly boast that he's their son. When he got married also, not everything was hunky dory. In the beginning it was though and then began the usual saas bahu banters. Poor Annu Mama was trapped not knowing who's side to take. Both the ladies were equally important to him. Today he's learnt the fine art of balancing both the sides. But what's happening inside his mind, only a person who's close to him will know or he himself will know.

So next time you meet an Annu Mama sympathize and empathize with him. Looks can be deceptive. The person might not be as happy as he tries to project. Remember those who suffer the most, try to spread the most happiness also without giving anyone an inkling of what they are going through. That's what I call......"The Art of Living."

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