Umamaheswari Srinivasan

Drama Romance


Umamaheswari Srinivasan

Drama Romance

Accidental Meet

Accidental Meet

7 mins


I cursed myself. I had to be in Vishal's home by 7:00. Why did I think that I could cope up by being late in office. I finished my work early but engrossed myself in the novel I was currently reading. I am literally getting addicted to the books. I stepped on the accelerator. Big Mistake... Very Big Mistake... I had a thin thread of time to avoid the truck, but I did not have the same luck with the lamp post. And like a typical accident, I blacked out.


Oh. How much I loved this album. Such a soulful music and perfect for a perfect morning. I hummed myself while walking from the bus stop to home. I was fifteen minutes early. I strolled towards my bus stop, slowly enjoying the specialties of evening. The rush of people from their daily work to home, kids returning from school, the bell sounds from temple, the buzz from the road side chat shop, the walking and meeting of senior citizens in the park. It may sound weird to you, but try once watching these like a spectator rather than part of that life. Suddenly I heard a loud bang and turned to see the source.


'Oh God! Why am I feeling so much pain? Where am I?' All the memories rushed to me - office, my hurry burry and the lamp post. I opened my eyes and tried to get up. I saw myself in a hospital bed. I checked if anyone was near me and found an empty room. I then realized and checked for my possessions. Thank God! My wallet and laptop bag were here. But where are my car keys? Most important, how did I ended up in hospital? I saw the nurse entering my room and saw me awake. She then rushed out to come back again with a doctor.

I learnt that I met with an accident and got hit in my ribs and head. I am now facing the consequences for not wearing the seat belt. But luckily nothing serious though. I was brought by some female. I also learnt that she had paid my admission fee and nobody knows who she was.



I will be discharged by tomorrow evening. I had called my close buddies Vishal, Sunaina and Srikanth. They rushed to the hospital and were with me from then. Possibly they were the reason to chuck me out of the hospital as soon as possible. When I was above to leave my room, the nurse gave me the shopping bag. Wait! this was not mine.

Before I tell anything, Sunaina chucked it in my laptop bag and led me out. Well, let me check it later. Mom and Dad did not know yet. No need to worry when they were 300 km away. Let me tell them this week end when I go home.

Once we reached home, Srikanth ordered some pizza. After chatting couple of hours I went to sleep. Vishal was staying with me that night, quoting that he would be needed in case of emergency. Seriously, my friends were becoming over protective.

I have informed my leave to office for next two days. And seriously it was very much boring to sit in home the whole day. Let me check some mails at least. When I opened my bag for my laptop, I noticed that bag. Wait, this was not mine. I checked the contents and saw the book "The Bronze Horseman". I opened it to check if anything is written, doubtful though as it looked brand new. I tempted to smell the new book. As I told, I am addicted to books. As I opened I saw "To my bestie Ramya, with love Neha"

Possible it should be the female who saved me. It should be either Ramya or Neha. Which one?



I didn't realize it was evening already. I would not have noticed even then, if not for my friends who brought dinner for me. This book really was interesting. A beautiful choice for a gift. I now was more intrigued to know the female who saved me.



I was waiting for my doctor's appointment for follow up review. The nurse whom I saw on that day came to me asking if I saw any shopping bag when I was admitted. This caught my atten

tion. Apparently the girl had come back for the bag. When I told that it was with me, the nurse asked if I could bring back so she could give it to the girl. Bingo, this would be a perfect opportunity for me.

I successfully got the contact number of the girl quoting that I myself would return the book. But the nurse never asked for the name, so still I did not know if it is Ramya or Neha.

After reaching home I dialed the given number, but no one picked up. I tried twice and now I am doubtful, if the number was correct. I could not avoid the feel of mild disappointment.



I got the call from the same number after an hour. Why did I memorized this number?

I disconnected the call with a big smile on my face. She is Neha and not Ramya. She had such a sweet voice. I think I was falling for this girl even before seeing her. I managed to ask her for meeting in the Pizza Hut next day. I fell into blissful dreams, but never remembered anything when I woke up.



I was very much nervous and failing very badly trying to look calm and collected. What if she did not like me? What if I looked like an Idiot and failed in first Impression?

My phone buzzed me from my thoughts and it's Neha. I saw her looking for me and I raised my hand for her to find me.

Probably she drove her two wheeler and like all females she had covered her face except her eyes. She has very beautiful eyes.


I searched for him. Of course I know his face, but he did not know me. I called his number and then saw him raising his hand. I strolled towards the table and sat across him.


Author POV

"Hi, how are you now?" Neha enquired as she sat down.

"I am fine now. I should thank you for that."

"Please leave it. You are fine. That is what matters."

"But you have paid for me."

"Actually I paid from your card. I got it from your wallet. Sorry about that." Neha chuckled when she saw Arvind's eyes widened.

She continued "Don't worry. I placed it back."

Arvind was mesmerized at her laugh. "Did you bring my book. It was a gift for my friend"

"Yes, but before that, I am sorry I read the book. It was very interesting." Arvind smiled sheepishly.

"Oh. Then I think you should have it. Then then try the whole series. It is a good one."

"Thanks. Yes it is a good book."

" Then I think I should leave. It is nice meeting you."

" Wait, can we have a cup of coffee at least?"

Neha hesitated for a moment and sat back. Arvind looked like he wants to ask something but reluctant to do so.

"What is the matter Arvind?"

"If you don't mind can you remove your dupatta? I haven't seen your face and want to see the person who saved me."



I was dreadfully expecting this question. I knew that I could not avoid it. I slowly removed my knot and took away the cloth.

And his reaction is the same. I smiled sadly at his horror filled face.

"Before you ask, I will tell myself. I was a victim of acid attack. I refused the proposal of a guy and he did this."

I waited for a minute for him to respond. But no response yet. So let me at least leave with the whatever dignity left.

"So I think it's time for me to leave. Its nice meeting you again."

I felt very heavy and don't know why. His reaction is very normal. But I slightly expected for him to be at least friendly. I wiped the silent tears while going out of the place.


I took out the Magnus Chase series book. I felt like reading something other than romance today. And then my phone buzzed.

"Care for a Coffee tomorrow. - Arvind"

I looked at the text again to check the number. It is him. I paused for a moment, then tried with a smile "May be"


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