My Guiding Star
My Guiding Star

Chapter 1
Niranjana became more and more restless as she neared her home. She can't wait to see her mom, dad, and her sister. It's been close to 1 year since she saw them. Also, she was only having her short summer visits for the past 5 years. Finally graduating in medicine to become a doctor, she is all set to go home.
But for her its double celebration. Her sister Sanjana is getting married in two months. She already missed all the preparation and shopping and now vowed not to miss a single thing anymore. In excitement, she felt as if the distance between the station and the home had become endless.
So much have changed in one year she mused, even her house is as good as new with complete whitewash. It looked as if everyone got ready for marriage including her house and the only soul that lagged back is herself. "Not anymore," she thought happily.
Niranjana could not control her goofy grin when she heard her mom's shriek "Niru, What is this surprise. Have we got the date wrong? You told you are coming only next week."
"Surprise!!! Surprise!!! I want to give a shock to you all, so I have told that I am coming next week. Oh, Mom!! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Leave my ears, it's paining..." she shrieked and laughed at the same time...
"Serves you well." Chuckled her dad "If you had told the correct date, I would have come to the station to pick you up."
"Oh, dad! I am not a kid anymore. I am old enough to take care of myself." she hugged him with a smile.
"Not for us, you two will always be our kid daughters however old you become" her dad answered her with an affectionate smile.
"Enough of the talks, look at you. I wonder if you had eaten anything at all. What are you trying
to do? Fast yourself to diminish? You would have lost a lot of weight. You should eat properly Niru." Niranjana rolled her eyes at her mom's usual dialogue whenever she comes home from the hostel.
"Ma. I have not lost any weight. I am just the same. I am not going to put any weight. I need to look good in Sanju's marriage. By the way, where is Ms. Talk of the Town? I haven't seen her till. Is she in-home or gone out?"
"Here I am a chatterbox. Even if I am not at home, your voice is carried all over. No need for any mic to announce your arrival." Sanjana laughingly hugged her and continued "So? Did Mom and Dad got shocked to see you or was cool? Only Mom would have got shocked, and our dad would have been Mr. Cool as I told right? Did I won the bet or not?"
"Did you know that she is coming today? You two are really getting on my nerves" her mom sighed.
"Chill out mom. I told Sanju so that she can track if I am traveling safe. See your daughters are responsible grownups." Niranjana hugged her mom and kissed her soundly on her cheek.
"Oh, stop it. Go and freshen up first. Take a good bath and come. I will get breakfast ready." Her mom tried to shoo her.
"No dear mom, not before your special coffee. I was thinking about it all the time on the train. Please mom........" her mom laughed at that way she asked
"Ok. I will bring one."
"Get one for me too Vanitha," her dad asked and "one for me too mom" chorused Sanjana.
"Ha, you two just had a cup each? No way." Sanjana hugged her mom and told, "Please mom, it's to celebrate Niru's arrival."
Vanitha chuckled on her way to the kitchen "OK. OK. I will bring it in for all. In fact, I can also do with a cup of coffee."