Shamika Ingle

Drama Fantasy


Shamika Ingle

Drama Fantasy



5 mins

Polly was a ten year old orphan who lived at the Sunshine Orphanage with all her friends. She did not feel lonely and did not experience the lack of a family. All the people in the orphanage were her family and they equally loved each other and lived happily. When one of them was adopted, they would be sad but looked at the bright side that the adopted child found a better home. Just a week ago, a rich couple had adopted her best friend, Rachel. Polly was very upset and went outside to cry, in the backyard, as she always did when any of her friends were adopted. She sat on a stack of hay, meant for the ponies. She wished, "All my friends are being take away from me, why can't I go too?" Just then, out of nowhere, a beam of light appeared, yellow in color. Out of sheer curiosity, she walked towards it. Miracle of miracles! She began floating upwards. She had closed her eyes because she could not bear the brightness. When she finally opened them, she found herself being stared at by some pink colored creatures.

She stared at them with amazement, with her big blue eyes, as big as saucers. They were so strange and wonderful at the same time. One of them finally broke the awkward silence and said, "We are from planet Roseaté and our queen has ordered us to bring a human specimen for research purposes." Polly was very afraid now. She knew exactly what researching with a specimen meant. She said, "Why me?" The alien just shrugged off her question and went on with its work.

When they finally reached their destination, she saw the planet was huge and beige in color. She was extremely nervous. She felt as if she had entered into the future. There were flying cars, floating roads and amazing futuristic buildings. They landed at a strawberry shaped structure. She was told that the queen would meet her here. After five minutes of anticipation, she saw the queen, magnificent, purple and regal looking. She was still afraid but somehow gathered the courage to ask the queen."What research are you going to do on me?" The queen said, "I want to study human behavior, reactions and feelings towards different incidents. You can have dinner now and then I will show you something very special." Polly was relieved and hungry too. She was led to the massive dining room and served scrumptious food. She had the appetite of two adults, and ate a lot. She ate quickly because she could not contain the excitement about what the queen was going to show her.

After dinner, she was taken to the castle roof by the queen. The queen said, "Anytime now, the moon shall rise." "Moons, what does she mean by that?' wondered Polly. Soon she saw, My My! this planet had seven golden moons! Polly was so happy that she went on praising the moons for fifteen whole minutes. The queen took note of her reactions and praised and said, "You truly are a wonderful creature." Later on, she was led to her room, no smaller than her orphanage and she fell into a deep sleep at the moment her head touched the pillow.

In the morning, she was taken sightseeing. First they visited Fruitpiece, a famous monument where everything was managed by robots. She observed the pillars, roof, everything in detail and was intrigued. The queen, of course had a notepad along. Next, they went to the 'Lake-O-Fun', which was supposed to be a swimming pool but resembled a sea. She swam to her heart's content and when she began getting tired, decided to stop, They ate something on their way to their next destination, which was a holy shrine, know as Rosemary. The queen explained Polly that Rosemary was a Goddess and the reason the temple was built had an interesting story that followed.

Many years ago, the ancestors of the queen, the first people, er... aliens to build a dynasty this huge. At first Roseate was run by demons, gigantic and black, with red long horns. they were torturing the common people, so the aliens decided to do something, they took a drastic decision. They started an inter-galactic war, much like the World War I, and gained victory. Roseate was finally theirs. The common people were glad that the tyrants had been defeated and so established a temple in the name of Goddess Rosemary because they believed that she had guided them. Polly was so interested that she hadn't blinked even once. The queen laughed at this and took notes.

Their final destination was a museum which contained the history of the planet and also precious, rare artifacts. She even noticed a sculpture of a human. When she asked about it, she was told that the sculpture was of Rosemary. Polly observed all other things in equal silence. She was amazed and intrigued by all she had seen and learned since she had come on this truly wonderful planet.

Now it was time to go home. She was dropped home and told that due to time dilation, she would reach just five minutes from the time she was taken. She said," I enjoyed very much, do abduct me sometime again." The queen nodded and said, "We were equally glad to have you."

Polly tried telling her friends about her magical experience, but of course, nobody believed her. However, she knew that she would cherish this memory forever. And now, Polly has already narrated this story to three of her grandchildren, who dream to go visit Rosemary someday.

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