A Tongue Twister Challenge
A Tongue Twister Challenge

Tom: Let's do something crazy today guys!
Laika: But what?
Tom: A Tongue Twister Challenge!
Minnie: Wonderful idea Tom!
Ben: Yes! But are there any rules?
Tom: Hmm.. Yes! Let me explain you all:
• I have these three bowls with me and it contains some tongue twisters. The first bowl has Easy Tongue Twisters, the second bowl has medium ones and the last bowl has hard Tongue Twisters.
• There will be three rounds. In first round, each one of us will repeat the tongue twister without seeing. Two players who will be most weak in saying will be eliminated in this round.
• In the second round, the four of us who will be remaining will pick up one one chit and the two most weak ones will be eliminated.
• In the final round, two of us will pick ours own chits and the one who says the tongue twister correctly will be declared as winner.
• And the most exciting thing is Prize! The winner will get a Tongue Twisters Master trophy.
Stuart: Wow!
Suzy: Let's start!
The First Round begins:-
Laika: Let me pick up the chit first!
Laika's tongue twister: " Seashells on the Seashore." ( Repeat it 7 times)
Laika very nicely repeated the tongue twister.
Suzy: I'll pick up now!
Suzy's tongue twister: "Fred Fed Ted Bread and Ted Fed Fred Bread." ( Repeat 7 times)
Suzy repeated it but quite slowly.
Minnie: It's my turn.
Minnie's tongue twister: " I scream, you scream, we all scream for Ice cream". ( Repeat 7 times)
Minnie repeated the tongue twister with mastery.
Ben: My chance.
Ben's tongue twister: " How can a clam cram in a clean cream can?" ( Repeat 7 times)
Ben stuck very much in between the lines.
Stuart: Now it's my turn.
Stuart's tongue twister: " If a dog chews shoes, whose shoes does he choose? " ( Repeat 7 times)
Stuart said the tongue twister correctly.
Tom: Last but not the least!
Tom's tongue twister: " Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?" ( Repeat 7 times)
Tom was master in these type of tongue twisters. He said the tongue twister perfectly.
• In Round 1, Suzy and Ben were eliminated and Laika, Tom, Minnie and Stuart were promoted to next round.
The Round 2 started:-
Minnie: I'll pick first!
Minnie's tongue twister: " He threw three free throws". ( Repeat 5 times)
Minnie was saying the tongue twisters like she says them everyday! She was awesome in tongue twisters and so in the one she got.
Laika: My turn now!
Laika's tongue twister: " If two witches would watch two watches, which witch would watch which watch? " ( Repeat 5 times)
Laika said such a crazy tongue twister very nicely!
Tom: It's my turn!
Tom's tongue twister: " Susie works in a shoeshine shop, where she shines she sits and where she sits she shines. " ( Repeat 5 times)
Tom stuck many times because his tongue twister was really a difficult one! There were no chances for him to go in finals! Poor Tom!
Ben: Tongue Twisters are really difficult! But I'll try my best!
Ben's tongue twister: " I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won't wish the wish you wish to wish. " ( Repeat 5 times)
Ben couldn't read the tongue twister correctly even the first time.
• In Round 2, It was completely clear, that both the boys, Tom and Ben would be eliminated and it only happened! Two boys eliminated and Two girls in Finals!
Suzy: Come on Minnie! Come on Laika!
The Final Round started:-
Laika: I'll say first!
Laika's tongue twister: " Betty Botter bought some butter but she said the butter is bitter. If I put it in my batter, it will make my batter bitter. But a bit of better butter will make my batter better. So it's better, Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter." ( Repeat 3 times)
Laika repeated the first time correctly, the second time correctly but she stuck the third time.
Minnie: My chance!
Minnie's tongue twister: " Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of pickled peppers, Peter Piper picked. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, where is the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?" ( Repeat 3 times)
Minnie repeated the tongue twister very nicely.
• It was time for the results, Minnie was the winner!
Laika: Congratulations Minnie!
Minnie: Thanks Laika! You were a very tough competitor!
Tom: So, we all will give this brand new Tongue Twisters Master trophy to Minnie now!
Everyone gave the trophy to Minnie. Minnie was soon designated as, " Tongue Twisters Master"