3 mins

Nothing could have prepared me for what I had to do next. I could have never imagined that in life I would ever have to face such a situation. I was totally shocked! How could anyone ask someone to compromise with their integrity? Was I actually awake or was it just a dream. I began to wonder if it was the right decision that I had taken six months back to move to this organization.

I could still remember that day when I got the interview call. I had sent my resume just the night before and I got a call the very next evening. They were asking me to come down for an interview in two days’ time at 11:00a.m. I was very excited as both my best friend and I had been called on the same day. I was just thinking of all the good times we would have because we had been together for the last seven years; working as a team and we worked like butter. One complementing the other in every task we performed. So we both went together for the interview and yes we both were selected! It was a dream come true to be working with one of the best known companies in the market. The management had accepted all our suggestions and wanted us to join by the end of the week. I remember, Jason being a little hesitant to join so early…probably he had

an intuition about this. Did he?

The profile we had got would make anyone turn green with envy…Additional Vice President at the age of 28…mind-boggling. It seemed too unreal to be true and now I knew and realized what we had landed ourselves into. It had just been three months into our jobs when this bombshell fell on us…We were asked to hack into the accounts of our competitors and get vital information. We were not professional hackers but really the best in the computers in the whole organization. It had been that one night of over- confidence and drinks that had landed us into this tight spot. Jason had tried to stop me from boasting about our skills but I like an idiot wanted to show off to our bosses.

I still remember Jason saying,’’ Juan stop kidding. We are just average not too great. It is just that we are committed and dedicated that’s all!”

How naïve could I have been? We had been cornered by a very smart and shrewd Vice President- Mr. Marsher. He had set us up! We had no way out but carry out this task and leave afterwards without a word to anyone. He would cook up story and tell it to the management. It was now too late to backtrack…

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