Love Heist - A Sparkling Night At Amphitheater
Love Heist - A Sparkling Night At Amphitheater

Episode 2:
A sparkling night in Amphi Theater.
Continuation to the First episode:
Little Girl and Sri started their own way of conversations by giving their time and roots of good friendship began within a short span of time. Slowly chatterbox able to bring the attention of Sri and Sri shifted his conversations to frequent meetings around the pool which is in the courtyard. Half the way in the training period trainees got the first invitation from the beloved company to showcase their talents in Independence Day celebrations. Sri and the little girl did not pay any attention to it as they are in their own world of cute conversations.
The loud sound of drums from the amphitheater quickly reached Sri ears who was seen having a close conversation with his roommate. Sri quickly dressed up and reached the amphitheater. After a few mins of beautiful performance, a sudden entry of beautiful angel so-called chatterbox was seen dressed up in a white Solid Slim-Fit Denim Dungarees. As the girl started walking towards him Sri was seen as little tensed as this was the first time, he saw a girl with such a cute look. Sparkling in his eyes was seen and he slowly murmured his beloved friend to move his place to another one. His roommate understood the situation and moved back to a vacant seat in the same row. Sri smiled by looking at her charming face and asked her to sit in the place where his roommate left. The little girl felt uncomfortable for a while as the row is filled with complete boys and seen worried. Conversations they had for a while slowly came to her mind and within no time, she sat in the place guy asked her to sit. Suddenly Sri kept his hand on her hand as one of the performances was outstandi
ng and Sri was not able to control his emotion. Chatterbox stunned and remain seated even with the Sri's sudden unfortunate touch. Slowly her eyes began to watch him often and conversations triggered with a low voice even in the loud auditorium.
After passing some time both were seen bored and they quickly moved out to have a coffee. That night Sri understood that she loves tea/coffee. They both slowly moved towards the pool from the amphitheater and they observed the roads were seen empty. This situation gave them to kick start to know about their names, feelings, and personal life. Chatterbox continued her conversation with her childhood memories, her lifestyle, and her personal goals.
Drizzle in the night started disturbing their conversation and they moved to their rooms in the training center. They both were seen missing each other while leaving. She quickly caught the situation and seen walking fastly to avoid the situation.
As Sri got her name after a few meetings and started chanting her name with his roommate. His roommate started the fun with him. This gave a smile whenever he hears her name by someone who is close to him.
Sri was seen not sleeping and he quickly made a quick call to the chatterbox. Then he pronounced her name "Sriya" over the phone by murmuring. Unable to see her feelings on the phone he chanted her name thrice over the phone to check whether she was able to understand the feelings of Sri. The voice inside the blankets in the nights was observed by the roommate and started understanding his friend Sri feelings. At the age of 20, Sri was not sure whether it is infatuation, friendship, or love.
Happy reading and provide your comments.
Episode 3: A silent and lonely day in a cafeteria with the little girl.