A Long Lost Love
A Long Lost Love

"Athmi, what are you reading so seriously?
Is it your ex messaged?"
"Come on sheethal, its nothing just reading a small write up of my favourite writer. It is so nice to read, I'll share it with you. Just go near to the verandah where you'll get a cool breeze and read it."
Once you owned my heart
After a long time I met her, an unexpected meet during the sangeet function of my friend.The unexpected meet felt like a cinematic one, her eyes got struck with mine for a couple of minutes. Then she approached directly towards me to have a sweet conversation after years. It was alike to that of a rain shower happened in the amidst of summer. What a beautiful ambience to feel the notion of love, and the innermost unnamed feeling to regenerate within us. She was my secret crush for a number of years but I didn't proposed her, never crossed the limits of our friendship, don't texted or called her unnecessarily. It was a pure form of friendship that I had shown to my dear. But somewhere she was there in my heart.
After 2 she went to Hyderabad for higher studies and years after she returned back to our native land. But what we are now today is a matter of our life too, years chang
ed us in its every part. After a conversation I came to know she is still single but I'm confused whether to confess it or not. What she will think about me, whether she accept it or reject. She was a crush which was happened years back but now I'm not the Same kid, she isn't the same innocent girl all our perspectives got changed, professions, family status everything was different.
Once it rained for me
Now it is raining for someone
Once it was a secret crush of mine
Now it wasn't a crush.
I had seen so many ladies who gone through my life who is worthy than her. She lost in the depth of my heart and you know it is an ocean where you can't find anything so easily if it is a minion. Let it stay in the waves to understand the value of a pearl. I'm waiting for the pearl too.
I'll wait for the one, to call me as her better, and she need to call me my
'Better Half'..
"How is it sheethal, did you enjoyed my writer's story??"
" Yeah, it seems to be so realistic athmi, sheethal could see the face of the writer after reading the story. It was him....
My sweet old secret love.... "