The song of ecstasy filled the air as I drove into that forbidden enticing flower The song of ecstasy filled the air as I drove into that forbidden enticing flowe...
My sojourn was like a joyride and was filled with cheer, for I had something very special to share. ... My sojourn was like a joyride and was filled with cheer, for I had something ver...
Love transcends age. It can happen anytime, at any age. Cherish and adore it! Here is the story of a... Love transcends age. It can happen anytime, at any age. Cherish and adore it! He...
Work is worship, people say. Patrick had turned his routine, boring job of cleaning lifts into almos... Work is worship, people say. Patrick had turned his routine, boring job of clean...
There are things more beautiful than we see and they reside in the awakened mind, surprising us some... There are things more beautiful than we see and they reside in the awakened mind...
Once a peddler was selling some fruits. Suddenly a masked boy came and snatched away an apple from t... Once a peddler was selling some fruits. Suddenly a masked boy came and snatched ...