Zoom World

Zoom World

1 min

O my good world

Where are you, how are you

How can I see you, which colour are you

O World, show me your where about.

Give me time to see you

Where can I come and meet you

Show me the place you stay

I will come and speak to you.

I am your friend, my dear world

I am here to meet you

You are silent with us

I am not a spectator in your world.

I can’t close my eyes in this world

I fulfil my dream

s in your world

I will wait for you to speak

I am not a stranger to you.

Where can I come and see you

I can see hillocks, rivers, and water falls

May I see deserts, forests, sea or sky?

O World, show me your identity.

O World, tell me the truth

I know your game

I will follow you

I will abide by you

O My good world

Where are you, how are you

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