Mollika Sherchan Kaur

Drama Romance


Mollika Sherchan Kaur

Drama Romance

Your Love An Attic Prose

Your Love An Attic Prose

1 min

When the shutter flaps and the wind blows

My heart sings aloud and slow

And the warm summers enters and glow

Oh! Your love- like an attic prose

You filled the empty void in my life

And I am blessed with the honor of being your wife

My love is pure and safe

And I know you will do what is best

I know that you will never disappoint me

And I promise I will be the best that I can be

I may have stolen a kiss or two

Love will alway

s wrap us together I know it will do

You gave me everything in this one life

I pray to the Lord to give me every birth by your side

Give me a grasp and everything will be all right

The bond of our togetherness will always be tight

May God bless me with this honor

May I breathe my last by your arms corner

Please don’t panic our love is immortal

Death cannot get the victory it is not that smart

I will continue seeing you at the other part

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