Shlaghya Mishra



Shlaghya Mishra


When Mirages And Miracles Mingle

When Mirages And Miracles Mingle

2 mins

When you perch on the fence and feel the air whizz past your face 

And whisper your favourite rhythm into your ears. 

When you drive down a meandering path to chase the sun 

That is racing with you on the other side of the universe but yet so still. 

When you dive into the arms of your beloved to escape the noise of the world, 

The butterflies swerve to their best moves in your stomach 

And your heart does a summersault in your chest. 

When you talk endlessly to your grandma's photo frame on the wall, not you want a reply 

But you know your grandma is eavesdropping from the other side of the wall. 

When you wish upon the shooting star 

And it tears apart your feeling of despair, fear and insecurity in a split second.

When you smile back at a stranger after a three-second-long eye contact 

To only satiate your hunger for comfort.

When you turn your head up amidst the woods to only see trees kissing the clouds.

When your grandpa sets an alarm to 4 in the morning, 

He doesn't know if he is going to stay a day longer or not 

But yet he dozes off to sleep with hope and life trapped under his eyelids. 

When you navigate the sky and sit for hours fixating on a cloud 

Whose boundaries weave a meaning to you? 

When a song which had been played a hundred times is played again 

To take the heaviness off your chest as you perspire. 

And when the boundary between real and false dissolves 

To bend into the most comforting perceptions is when mirages meet miracles,

When you hear the unsaid, feel unstimulated and see the unobservable is 

When mirages and miracles mingle.

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