Samina parveen

Abstract Drama Tragedy


Samina parveen

Abstract Drama Tragedy

What to do when a disaster strikes?

What to do when a disaster strikes?

2 mins

The chaotic rush of 

Shouldering crowd 

Grabbing their carts 

Full of stock

Blue filter on our face

Rubbing miasma on hands

Chasing out of malls and 



Just as though the virus is behind us

Is this what we do when a disaster strikes?

Locks put on the school, offices, malls restaurants

Panic slowly clutching our souls

Lockdown seemed like a prison sentence

Shutting ourselves in four walls

Selfishness embedded in our actions

Is this what we do when a disaster strikes?

Worrying about going out 

To malls, parks, public places, 

Our needs have eventually turned into enjoyment

And now I see this enjoyment turning into 

A privilege

A luxury,

It’s no more a necessity

Living in homes seemed like a burden

Do we think about those homeless, hopeless, stuck by this thunder 

With no roof overhead

Not Filling stomachs with fast food

Is a punishment

Give a thought about those

who sleep hollow, acid clenching their stomachs

Is it what we do when a disaster strikes?

Poverty covered 120 million people in its a cage

400 million on the verge of poverty

Impossible to escape this ditch endless poverty

Unemployment touching the sky

Black clouds of economic crisis

Is thundering in the melancholic sky

Corona outbreak raining problems

Is this what we should do when a disaster strikes?

We should use our privilege

Not panic

Rush is not the solution

Patience is the key

We should stand together against this monster

Hand in hand we make the building blocks of the shattering society

Let the wind gush in and rain breakthrough

Together we can get out of the storm 

When a disaster strikes 

Together we stand divided we fall

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