Waiting - Waited!
Waiting - Waited!
Before flying away,
He had said, “wait for me”.
She had nodded meekly.
With a tear in her eye and a bit of blush on her cheeks.
She had some hope deep in her heart.
Alas! They were less in number.
It was that hope of hers, which made her bloom
Unfortunately, as time passed by her hopes reduces to her
“Maybe he has found someone new”, she whispered to fresh
and naughty wind.
Which tickled her continuously, making her laugh…
…After the wind was gone,
She stood alone in the sunshine.
She was about to sob,
When there landed upon her – A NEW BUTTERFLY!
( The original poem is written in pencil, hoping that, the
new butterfly might erase all her sad chapters and write a new never-ending
love story…)