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Unlock solutions to your love life challenges, from choosing the right partner to navigating deception and loneliness, with the book "Lust Love & Liberation ". Click here to get your copy!

Sonali Ray



Sonali Ray


Twinkling Stars

Twinkling Stars

1 min

It was another new moon night,

The world tucked cosily under quilt,

We trudged hand in hand up the hill,

With hearts pacing at the slightest peril.

The urge to watch the starry sky,

Drove us to this enchanting high,

The crisp air and the golden fireflies,

Churned my stomach with butterflies.

The enthralling view left me in trance,

The empyrean dazzled with sky lanterns,

Floating and sailing like tiny fire balls,

Their gleaming rays lit up the distant still.

Mesmerized we stood and watched them drift,

Playing hide and seek amidst cloudy rift,

Snuggled in the arms of my loving knight,

I watched the lanterns brighten the dark night.

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