Troyee Basu

Drama Others


Troyee Basu

Drama Others

To the Oblivion

To the Oblivion

1 min

She's a bad bad girl

With shameless perplexing thoughts

And a stripped mind.

It was told that

She has a wretched pitch-black heart

Better known as shredded cold-hearted.

But few knew who she really was.

She used to believe in conviction

To reach the epitome of life.

Few tried to quest her

The lion's share was on board

To condemn her and her prototype.

But deep underneath

She was the one, everyone'd treasured for.

She was the living soul

If she was a man, she'd be the man.

She could have been a knife

As a knife cuts better than a scalpel.

She craved to be a scalpel

Cuts sprightly and in a slender

Profound enough to put you

Into the oblivion gracefully.

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