This Ineffable Vale...
This Ineffable Vale...
Somnambulist amid the tricks of the memories...
I heed and decipher the motif...
Non-Chalant whispers of an ever-careless life...
Ahhh! This gullible heart and its trait for falling for the inscrutable serendipities...
These speechless inhibitions, This ineffable vale...
The Pole Present... You endure the mockeries and triumphs of the past, the imbroglio of it with the future...
You hold them both; Ahh! Those tender hands of yours bearing marks of a mute destiny...
Time- The Mother! Those tears veiled equanimous eyes of yours; resolute not to reveal the precious Truth as the three play along...
This Patience of Truth... This ineffable vale...
Oh, dear Love! dear Love! words fail as I trudge to approach thee...
In forlorn I sought thee; my mute transgressions in your quest haunt me in the dark...
As I lay unheeded, sleepless, mocked, and tortured in the playa of your quest; I feign your presence...
I lay this barren, bereft path in your honor, and then I walk again...
This vulnerability for Love, This ineffable vale...