The Strands Of Grey
The Strands Of Grey
I saw a few strands of grey,
A cause of concern and dismay.
Am I ageing?? To myself I asked.
A question at which I balked.
Nah! I am not ..How can I?
I said with a smile so sly.
I am just growing and learning,
Learning to be more caring.
To be more patient and calm.
And to spread a smile that is warm.
There is still much to learn and imbibe.
I am still young ...just age getting ripe.
Some extra fat here and there,
I can
't work on it I swear.
Eyes have become weak a little
Bones and nails a bit brittle.
But I welcome each day with all my might,
I cook, I teach, I paint, I write.
Ah! That's not what you call ageing
it's just a part of growing.
So I thank the grey strand
which made me write n understand.
Don't become the aunt who is grumbling
There is more to life than just cribbing.
Lets age gracefully I say.
There is much to give and repay.