Saloni Maliwal
If not spoken by heart,
It is not considered and,
Becomes a meaningless word for people.
The Legacy of...
Echoes of Fre...
The Ladder Of...
The Phase
Love Yourself...
The Darkness ...
Some Relation...
The Sorry Cyc...
Auto Correct
Father is the most precious gift God has given because He can't be there always to guide us, but a F... Father is the most precious gift God has given because He can't be there always ...
What to say about promotion, do things require promotion, let's the reader decide that. (The credit ... What to say about promotion, do things require promotion, let's the reader decid...
a soulful poetry about looking back at life after departing from the earthly abode a soulful poetry about looking back at life after departing from the earthly abo...
Let your creativity and passion be told. Let your creativity and passion be told.
He kissed his mom and heartily entered his dreamland exile. He kissed his mom and heartily entered his dreamland exile.
Feeling life slowly slipping away... Feeling life slowly slipping away...
Have you heard about emotional starvation? Have you heard about emotional starvation?
Extremely nice poem... Extremely nice poem...
India is a unique secular country, work unitedly. India is a unique secular country, work unitedly.
These are the feelings of a desolate, dreary, unhappy and miserable conditions of the writer. These are the feelings of a desolate, dreary, unhappy and miserable conditions o...
Let us savor the moments divine Let us savor the moments divine
Today, every newspaper is filled with stories of terror. Terrorism is the biggest threat that our wo... Today, every newspaper is filled with stories of terror. Terrorism is the bigges...
Empowerment is when a woman doesn't really have to think about empowerment! Empowerment is when a woman doesn't really have to think about empowerment!
Run run run....yes we need to run to keep fit..but what we do is we run kill ourselves... We keep r... Run run run....yes we need to run to keep fit..but what we do is we run kill ou...
There are some days that are far behind since they passed, There are some days that are far behind since they passed,
When I was saddled up with so many questions. When I was saddled up with so many questions.
Everything is messed up, Yet, keep growing! Everything is messed up, Yet, keep growing!
For she was just a little girl, a stripling, a Goddess in human form For she was just a little girl, a stripling, a Goddess in human form
Whenever you feel that you have been dashed to the ground and the courage to thrive has eluded you f... Whenever you feel that you have been dashed to the ground and the courage to thr...
Those days are gone and nothing can bring them back. The only thing we can do is make a thought cata... Those days are gone and nothing can bring them back. The only thing we can do is...