The Morning After

The Morning After

2 mins

The morning after

madness or sadness?

I stumble alone

in the corridor dark 

as I remember, dark

As I left. 

From my trembling hands falls the purse 

Coins raining all over 

Tissues stained all over 

Splat in a clutter 

I stand there slanted, 

staring wide eyed

aimlessly counting my steps 

to the door, seems a little ajar 

I see the pendent rolling on the floor

Away from me 

Frozen I hunch more

at loss of breath 

Eyes deceiving and 

obligingly, the head and heart 


Losing left me feeling 

little heavier somehow 

Losing you, Weighed more than I knew

I remember you had thrust it in my palm

On our first date, 

All mature all so grandeur 

Words and gestures coupled with a twinkle in your eyes 

Like you really believed in them

At that very moment

Like you were my own

Knight in shining armour. 

I was decked in pink lipstick, 

dainty and damsel like 

Consciously avoiding red, 

fearing being misread

Consciously avoiding brown, 

fearing you’d back down.

In making sure you’d choose, me

I let my confidence and clarity, flee. 


changed my dress thrice 

Ironed them 

Double checked them

Colour coordinated and  

Accessorised every gem. 

Tried out my walk and wave. 

Wanting to seem way too brave

Smile and greet, a step towards 

Hypothetically ending up on your back seat. 

I had a million things in my mind

Clinging to my purse I sat there 

shivering at the touch of your fingers 

That you casually slid by

And with my wavering eyes 

avoiding your steady glance 

My throat parched and Chair sweat-soaked.

I was a mess. 

With your legs, my heart moved along 

Your laughter and silly puns echoed

when I kept memorising your face 

to remain calm. 

It’d be a rarity I thought

both being a creep. 

Boy, did I expect such a twist in the plot that steep!

Now with tobacco in my breath

And veins with alcohol

I fumble and whisper

My secrets from my soul

I stutter, I punctuate 

The writer lives on

I murmur, I enunciate 

Only the writer lives on. 

Glitter slips from the dress

I so boldly bought the previous night

Spontaneous and splurge I thought 

Now all I can think of are the feelings 

I wish I hadn’t caught.  

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