The Inbetween

The Inbetween

2 mins

Tears rolled down as the phone rang.
Once... Twice..... Thrice......... Fourth time.........
The silence between rings just increased.
I want to listen 'Hello' in your voice only.
"Forever is a long time dear,
Eternity is a long time, don't promise it with anyone and don't take its promise." the poem read of a girl.
I don't know how long it maybe, even if it will ever end or not.
But he, he is not a need, he is my endless desire, he is love, the eternity one, he is the one who'll never be a burden, never will he be unlovely, never unloved.
I wanted to tell her the poem my mind was weaving at that moment.
That sil

ence between those rings.
I, I imagined a nightmare, a nightmare. Girl, you'll understand.
A nightmare where I was alone till eternity without him, with his love.
Those poems I'm yet to write on his body with my lips, the poems he'll crave on my soul, those poem which will never be forgotten yet will never be written.
In that silence I saw a collage, of pictures, of memories, my foot, alone, waiting for yours, the pictures we're yet to show to our child, our child?
On the very next ring, the ring alarmed like a siren of unattended alarm, the child won't be born without your love, love.
I'm living for us love
But I'll die without you, I will die.


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