Muskaan Shaikh



Muskaan Shaikh


Strong And Determined Heart

Strong And Determined Heart

1 min

I am surrounded by storms all around me,

Yet the willingness to never give up doesn't leave me,

I know it's gonna be tough,

But the sea which made a skillful sailor 

Was always rough.

Life was never meant to be easy 

Neither the road I chose to walk on is.

The destination lies far away

To keep going on is the only way 

The stones might cause me to stumble 

But none of them can cause my morale to crumble 

My heart is strong my mind is strong 

And I know giving up is absolutely wrong 

Rising from the ashes like a phoenix ill fly 

No matter how arduous it seems I won't ever cry 

Overcoming all the obstacles ill grow 

I won't ever lose heart is all I know ........

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