
Hay pal, wanna die?
You will die one day anyway
So wait there & listen to what I'm gonna say
Keep in mind that time unceasingly moves
Give moment to this moment, this too shall pass away
Never mind the fiasco, nothing builds in a day
And miracles are just a few failures away
This world has lots and lots of colours
Let's not just focus on the grey
Lemme ask you something
And while answering, I want you to ponder on these things
Tell me, have you ever tasted life?
Held a scented primrose while apologies?
Has something enticing ever sealed your tongue,
Sat in solitud
e & let imagination take the ride?
Ever chased the wind & surpassed the clouds,
Been sunshine to someone even in disguise?
Ever looked at yourself and moment froze,
Felt love in the air and rainbowed skies
Find noise in silence & silence in noise,
Lend hands of hope and make li'l sacrifice
Hey pal, I see you
I still see you standing, facing ocean of voids
With wings in your thoughts and hope in your eyes
Let's jump from the mountain, howbeit the other side
Where life roaring your name, arms open wide!!