Similar End Of Our Journies
Similar End Of Our Journies

I was walking in the darkness
When a beam of light came
And changed my sadness into
This light was my mother
She held my hand
When no one did,
She made me smile
She made me laugh
She made me forget all bad what everyone did
She gave strength
She gave me the ability
To do whatever I want
But not to fear of the haunt
When I cried,
She cried with me
When I smiled
She smiled with me.
Actually all her life started with me
And ended on me.
She gave me the best which she could give
For the best version of life
Which I could live
But what I did was a disaster
I gave her pain
For she gave me laughter
She held my hand to give me strength
But I pulled mine away
When she wanted to support
I became selfish
Where she was selfless
When I broke down
She gathered me
But when she broke down
I broke her even more
But now I realize when she is not with me
That what I did with her,
Would one day happen with me?
And then I can't even complain
Of the pain
Nor can I say sorry to her
For it is a very small word to apologize
For what I did with her,
Today the only thing which I can do
Is to sit and think of her and the time we spent
For this how our journies end.