Suchismita Banerjee
The deep silence of your betrayal
Breaks my heart into Irreversible pieces.
A Forever
I Am You - Du...
Because we the Humans are the grandest creature on this Earth. It is meaningless to fight for new id... Because we the Humans are the grandest creature on this Earth. It is meaningless...
The train moves past alone in the dark open sky with far off stars. The train moves past alone in the dark open sky with far off stars.
The poem shows contradictions in nature. The poem shows contradictions in nature.
On his day, he unfurls the tricolor in blood, sweat and unbearable pain. On his day, he unfurls the tricolor in blood, sweat and unbearable pain.
But maybe there is something wrong that I don't see but others do. But maybe there is something wrong that I don't see but others do.
Through valleys deep and mountains high, His quest for truth would never die. Through valleys deep and mountains high, His quest for truth would never die.
This poem is about a person being suffered from silent treatment from the person he loves. This poem is about a person being suffered from silent treatment from the person...
This is all about friendship This is all about friendship
I have to keep on playing my part, no matter what age I am a prisoner here and the whole world is my... I have to keep on playing my part, no matter what age I am a prisoner here and t...
Make the tiny animals our family, make the air fresh with love, resolve to redeem. Make the tiny animals our family, make the air fresh with love, resolve to redee...
Petrichor is the smell of the soil after it rains on parched Earth. It soothes the soul. Petrichor is the smell of the soil after it rains on parched Earth. It soothes t...
A humorous narration of a visit paid to a former home which no longer felt homely. A humorous narration of a visit paid to a former home which no longer felt homel...
"Walk into the woods and choose your wild. For in wildness alone, lies the preservation of the worl... "Walk into the woods and choose your wild. For in wildness alone, lies the pres...
A girl weeps sitting there. A girl weeps sitting there.
As we speed out of youth's sunny station The track seems to shine in the light, As we speed out of youth's sunny station The track seems to shine in the ligh...
You gave your life for, by mankind broken, You gave your life for, by mankind broken,
The commencement of the journey, where I am at my own mercy The commencement of the journey, where I am at my own mercy
All are but vehicles of our own thoughts. All are but vehicles of our own thoughts.
inspite of all my flaws Inspite all my odds inspite of all my flaws Inspite all my odds
The poem shows that life is the longest journey to the passage of heaven. The poem shows that life is the longest journey to the passage of heaven.