Serenity, a state of being at ease,
But,it does changes with the frame of phase.
Be it childhood, aldosence, adult or aged,
Placidity drifts from being free to incumbently caged.
Learning to speak,read & write,
Procuring noble habits and playing with
hubs of toys.
Swotting the lessons and tables,
Or be it reciting meaningful fables.
Serenity, is achieved at this age,
By candidly beholding the happy hushing parents face.
As adoloscense is reached, we try to make choices,
Be it array of friends or electing subjects by wise(s) .
Games, Tournaments, Arts, Crafts and Competitions keeps us hecticly engrossed,
Clearing Examinations with flying colours paved way for equanimity to get endorsed.
At an adult phase, numerous interviews are confronted,
Settled jobs, Respectable Social Status transmuted as prima facie,
Tranquillity at this stage is attained by happy family faces.
As we grow old, we confine,
All possessed luxuries are specious and are no more serene.
Self Actualization and Realization, assist to signify,
Real Serenity is acquired when with divine.