Politics Is About People...

Politics Is About People...

1 min

Whether it be democracy, dictatorship or monarchy

Either be it communism, republicanism or Aristotle’s oligarchy

You could stay in a palace, a white house or a steeple

But all the politicians say one thing “Politics is about people.”

The government by, for and of the people is a democracy

But in such government utmost prevailing is hypocrisy.

Many dictators like Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin possessed absolute power

But they used all their resources only to destruct and devour.

One and all heil the Crown

But the curse

of imperialism it casted is still around

Communism has its own sad story

Without competition the potential couldn’t meet glory

Republicanism can take a form of big mess

Where all the power hungry MPs play people like chess-pieces

You can take dictatorship or you can take monarchy

They are both in fact forms of faulty oligarchy.

People are oppressed and people suffer

Politicians are nothing but master bluffers

They don’t consider every common man their equal

Then why do they say ‘Politics is all about people?’

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