Kartik Aggarwal

Abstract Drama


Kartik Aggarwal

Abstract Drama

Outer World Inner Battles

Outer World Inner Battles

2 mins

The night was dark and the soul felt tired,

Imprisoned in my being, seldom admired...

The knees felt weak and the eyes had tears,

This healing heart was full of fears...

The breathing was heavy and the hair stood on its end,

The spirit was lonely with no one to defend...

I had tripped over sorrows and was tumbling downhill,

Then I felt the divine hands holding me still...

Tainted by blames the soul had hit the rough,

I got the divine sign that silence was soothing enough...

For once when I closed my eyes the breathing did not quicken,

Trepidation did not flood the conscience and the heart did not sicken...

It felt that the shield of love was protecting my heart,

That the soul was not secluded i

t was his own part...

The faith illuminated the dark corridor of life,

The mind merged into the soul and suddenly there was no internal strife...

As the dreams gained their freedom the nightmare seemed to fade,

As the music smoothened the soul, the heart was no longer dismayed...

I realised that outward distractions could not disturb my ease,

It was the inner noise that bothered my pent-up soul now calmed down by a cool breeze...

The haze cleared from the eyes and the meaning became evident,

The solace in the heart seemed to heal the rent...

The spirit embraced the boundless sky, the universe no longer a foreigner,

As the moon figured its way out of the clouds, it was the light that emerged as the winner...

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