My Super Mom
My Super Mom

My mom you are my Super hero.
Who said all heroes have capes,
Some are without Capes.
And their super powers are beyond imagination.
How do you do that mom
Being so strong, so lovable, yet so calm.
Even in the midst of crises
How do you maintain your calm.
It is your presence that brings love and happiness in our life.
Your smile not only lightens the room, but our life too.
You are our pillar of strength, cushion of
Our rainbow that brings happiness in our life.
My Super Mom, I feel blessed to have you in my life.
No matter what problem life throws at me
With you by my side, I'll face all of it with a big smile.
Thank you for being there for me
And believing in me.
Hope one day I'll be able to step in your shoes
And be super amazing and cool like you are.
My Super Mom, you are my Super Hero
And shall always be.