Music In Me...
Music In Me...

Dear diary,
Woke up early from sleep
With freshness filled in heart
Started the day with the music
Of pentatonix.
Began to sing with that
After a long gap, delighted my soul;
Prepared breakfast, waited for the kids
To wake up.
After they woke up, flew like a dragon fly
To complete the household works;
But the refreshed heart encouraged me
To complete everything soon.
But, the happiness in me vanished
When headache affected me
Again I switched on to music
It comforted me.
The day became fine and happy
When I spent time on singing
And praising God for all His wonders
In this world.
Music was a part of my life once,
Today again it became my life;
Delighted with the music,
Singing again and again.
There's a music in me,
There's a music in everyone's heart,
It'll make your day when you find it out,
I found out and singing and closing you, dear diary.