MOM - The Great
MOM - The Great
Mother-"Mom" one who always cares, where others just act it.
My mom is a great blessing to me and she is my whole world.
Yeah, she is the one who eats last at the house.
Yeah, she is the one who doesn't show her stress over anything.
Yeah, she is the one who always shows the way to everything.
Yeah, she is the one who always gives permission to go on a trip.
Yeah, she is the one who stays close to everyone's heart.
Yeah, she is the one who gets angry but ends up forgiving us.
Yeah, she is the one who prays for us every time.
Yeah, she is the
one who inspired us in many ways.
Yeah, she is the one who wakes up early in the morning.
Yeah, she is the one who tells us who are good and bad people.
Yeah, she is the one who has a pure soul and a kind heart.
Yeah, she is the one who can't be described in any words.
Yeah, she is the one who always stays constant in everyone's life.
Yeah, she is my mom who is a great blessing for me and she will always be.
I'm proud to tell my mother is my world.
Not only my mom is a great blessing for me, but each and every mom is a blessing for their children.