

2 mins

She walked past one day,

The wind caressed her luxurious hair and flirted with her peaches and plum frock,

But something was amiss then;

Her gait, demeanour lacked the enthusiasm,

Her fluttering fingers spoke of fear and ache,

Her black scarf enveloped the neck and visage,

Ohh.. that face…………………….

That face was envied by many a maiden,

That smile had captured many a heart,

Her exuberance lifted up a dull day,

 Her elegant sense of style inspired many,

Her azure blue eyes could drown the crowd,

The Quintessential beauty –Maria, was everyone’s idol;

But soon the scarf gave away-a part of her, caged from the eye for long,

A black scar revealed itself as if a scratch on a masterpiece,

A dismal sight for the maker and malice for the maiden,

The acid burnt her face and robbed of her stardom,

The limelight shied away from her, the crowds shrank,

The beauty that had churned the fire of passion, now reduced to ashes;



Denial and rejection took over, nibbled down her soul,

Her heart locked itself and threw the keys away,

Away from a world of jeering crowds,

Away from an industry that failed to stand by, lend a hand,

Away from friends, nonsupporting and crude,

Whose indifference drew her to the wall;

She spent hours before the mirror,

In deep contemplation and thought,

Fantasizing her good old days,

Romancing heroes, singing songs,

Those long flowy dresses, the jewelry she adorned;

The more she reflected, the more she suffered,

Her beautiful dream had abruptly concluded,

Devoid of love, devoid of care,

The curtains of her extravagant life fell,

Her stardom had been transitory like a bubble,

Pricked by destiny and disowned by fans,

She now seldom walks out on the lanes,

With a black scarf that camouflages her in the sea of humanity,

Just like you and I ….walking around unseen………………

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