Lost in the Mystic Forest
Lost in the Mystic Forest

Multiple paths to single destiny
Lie before only for the privileged few.
Underprivileged many are left
Only with a Hobson's Choice!
But neither privileged nor underprivileged -
Most left with two path choices:
The society-paved smoother path
And the untouched dark and daring path!
Have chosen the later against the society:
Alone walked deep into the darkness;
The rarely taken road is enchanting,
As it is bleak beyond a day;
The journey is filled with surprises -
er">Both pleasant and unpleasant -
Plenty of jump-scares
From both angels and demons;
Many times deceived by senses,
Sanity pulls back the rein
Before stepping into the quicksand...
No guaranteed tomorrows,
No yesterdays are forgetful;
Yet today's challenge keeps it busy...
There seems to be no path,
Paving one trusting -
One day someone might choose the same road
There are chances of having a company...
Yet it feels like running on a rodent wheel
On a mysterious ride in a mystic forest!