Lost Arc

Lost Arc

1 min

Hope it was a shame,

A girl with blood and stain.

How could I hug her,

She was defamed by some other.

She is not what she was before,

A dying fish near the shore.

Love would have come

If I knew less of this tantrum;

A rain I would wish

If she becomes again to the bliss.

How could I introduce her,

To my friends and my mother

That every ear know that state

She was gang-raped and left.

I wish It would never happen

I wish I wasn't h

er husband,

How could I just support that

The lost girl in the market.

She cries, may that's her fate

What did I do wrong to curse the crate?

I can't even think,

When I breathe, or if I blink,

God must have some enmity

For the way, I treat him for calamity.

Still, she's my newly wedded,

The future was supposed to be shared.

I wish for the lost

If she would die for the cost,

Which ould it been better

Living with this curse or her ashes all over.

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