Another Way....
Another Way....
Another day out.
Another way on the route.
Songs to praise
And be a part.
So if you want to reach the top
You can rush or just walk.
It's fine to slow down
and roam around,
Follow your own pace, even if delay,
There always is another chance,
and another way!
No one is a winner for life
While winning a single game;
No one is a lifetime loser
Whoever rises to play again.
Riding a horse may bring a fall
Yet it also brings the joy.
You may dive
You may sway
There is another chance and
There always is, another way!
If you are failing now and again;
Remember that great warriors
loose wars, souls they reigned.
Only to get better plans and fig
ht again!
Sour grapes need a time to ripe,
Failures too take time to be wiped!
Fault in stars or in the days,
Wrath of the sun or the alleyways;
There always is another chance,
and another way!
It is the struggle to get a thing
brings the joy of conquering!
There, O Dear…
Happiness is chased, winning to be mean,
Let flow the thoughts as raved,
Victory or defeat are too short-lived,
And life has no single peak or a steady road.
Not just a single hope is under the roof.
So, find your own goals and alternative paths!
There always is another chance,
and another way!
Beat it, kill it,
Rob it or snatch it.
Do it just in your way.
This fine way, or the other way!