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Robin John



Robin John


Longest Break

Longest Break

1 min

Struggling to understand,

Why you left me alone;

The cute promises you made,

Are still left stranded in my soul.

I longed to back as a just born child;

Or rather a deserted deaf man,

Because, I had no more heartbeats left,

To take the fact, that you don't love me anymore.


It's you in my eyes;

I never mind tears being a prize,

Broken down by the tides of your smile;

I was swept off my stable feet.

I now see a whole new light,

When my opened eyes slowly close for a while,

All I feel I've got;

Is none, but only you in my heart.


At the edge of my keen sight,

Adorned on a dull green garment.

I saw you there, leaning short on a parked motorbike;

The moment I saw you, I knew I'd be there with you

Leaving my heart tossed, to glimpse the cheer in your smile.

The softened words you spoke, are still sounding in my ears;

Longing to live those fruitful days again,

Though drenched within my painful tears.

Oh dear, put an end to this longest break,

Keeping me punished and my all nights awake.

Shall we sail all the way from the beautiful start,

Uniting our thoughts leaving all wars apart.

Let's save our hearts from the aching lag,

Giving it a chance to win our true love back;

As its a mere night to our Oldest endings;

But the sun dawning to our New beginnings.

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