Let’s Make a Promise!!
Let’s Make a Promise!!
A promise to yourself to be the best version of you,
To be strong enough so nothing can disturb your peace of mind,
To be healthy and be happy everyday of your life,
And if u do ever face a problem, a solution you will find!!
A promise to make friends and family feel good about themselves,
To love them unconditionally until the end,
To always take the effort to be in touch with all,
And when in need you will be always standing by them!!
A promise to always try to see the best in others,
To encourage them and guide them in every step of life,
To show the right path and pray for their success,
And make sure you are always ready to sacrifice!!
A promise to stop looking at the past,
To stop complaining about things that could have happened,
To work hard to make a better and fruitful future for yourself,
And don’t allow anything to let your spirits dampen!!
A promise to have faith in God to always do what’s best for you,
To greet each living creature with a lovely smile,
To appreciate the beauty of life we have all been given,
And to never forget that you are -God’s child!!