If I?

If I?

1 min

If I pray to a million God’s

Will you appear?

If I fast a thousand days

Will you appear?

If I walk over hot coals

Will you appear?

If I give my life for you

Even though I don’t know your name

Will you appear?

If I long for you in every breath

Will you appear?

If I cry an ocean of tears

Will you appear?

If I spread a hundred smiles

Will you appear?

If I climb

the highest mountain

Will you appear?

If I transcend all my fears

Will you appear?

If I soar in the sky

Will you appear?

If I grab the moon

Will you appear?

If I reach for the sun

Will you appear?

Or is the only place

You will appear

And are real

Is locked safely in my heart

Forever with me each passing second

You are mine

And I am yours

Forever and beyond!

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