I Want To Touch The Sky
I Want To Touch The Sky

I was on a voyage one day in a boat, alone and nothing to see around but only water,
If I looked down there was a deep ocean and up there was a bright sky;
A desire arose in me suddenly to fly and touch the sky once but didn’t know how,
As I sailed forward I saw a wonderful sight to my delight and I felt my desire almost got fulfilled;
At a distant horizon the sky had bent itself to meet the ocean,
And I felt a lightening urge to sail faster towards it;
I sailed faster and faster only to realize that I had sailed several hundred miles by now,
But the sight was unmoved and maintained the same distance from me;
The urge inside me never faded but only slowed down a bit during the night,
And the journey restarted again in the next morning at the dawn of the Sun;
This time it was a much more wonderful sight as the golden Sun seemed to have descended from sky,
And another desire arose in me to touch the Sun along with the sky;
What a great experience it was since I was looking fortunate to fulfil all my desires,
The sight was both promising as well as challenging me by keeping the desires alive;
Several days rolled over in this fashion with my desire unchanged and undiminished,
Only till I witnessed another wonderful sight right at the point where the sky met the water;
A ship appeared to move towards me after touching the sky just like my desire,
And I was excited to learn about the experience of that fortunate guy in that ship;
I suddenly wanted to take some tips from him and hasten my journey as I felt tired by then,
And as my focus now shifted to
the ship from the sky unknowingly I suddenly found the ship near;
Filled with anxiety I queried him “how was your experience?” repeatedly and swiftly,
And he replied “it was great but you need to sail fast to avoid thunderstorms and high tides”;
As my desire got strengthened further with his reply the fear of getting caught in the rain arose now,
But only to hasten my journey that was driven now by two powers – the desire and the fear;
I went and went past the horizon relentlessly only to witness the days and nights,
But the wonderful sight of the sky meeting the water prevented my desire from fading away;
As I sailed further I was able to notice the diminishing strength in me in spite of the ever green desire,
All of a sudden I was asleep forgetting my boat, the water, and the sky and even my desires;
It was a beautiful morning when I got up from sleep with everything as they were before,
But before my desires could rekindle I tried to recall the dream I saw while sleeping;
I had completed my journey once all around the Earth with same thoughts and the sights around,
As the desires surfaced again, I asked myself “why couldn’t I touch the sky even after going round the Earth?”;
The diminished strength had now become more powerful to evaporate both my desires and the fear,
And it was kind enough to allow me to look at the dream deeply and learn a lesson from it –
“Understand totally your desires, their motive and their futility by watching them moment to moment,
And the action coming out of the understanding will ensure Peace and Happiness in life”.